Blue background with pattern

Disposable Magento test environments with Kubernetes

Peter Jaap BlaakmeerOrange dotMay 25, 2022

16 min reading time

In this blog, we are going to talk about how we set up disposable test environments ("Review Apps" in Gitlab terminology) using Gitlab, Docker, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Kubernetes (k8s), among others. We now use disposable test environments in our daily flow, which allows us to push a particular branch, tag or specific commit to a test environment that is automatically built on push and aborted on merge, along with a database and all media files.


A little over a year ago, we wrote about our internal development process. I'm very glad I wrote that blog because it generated a lot of interest and discussion, both online and offline. Nothing significant has changed in that process. We've made some adjustments here and there, but overall it's still the same.

I ended that blog by saying that we would be rolling out Review Apps to all of our customers in the coming weeks. Technically that turned out to be true, if you consider 52 weeks later as "coming weeks. I also said that we hoped to be at 75/25 Magento 2 / Magento 1, and fortunately that indeed turned out to be true. I would say we are now at 90/10 and fully invested to be Magento 1-free by the end of the year.


There are a couple of reasons why it took us 52 weeks to roll this out. We were obviously not working on it full-time, but there were a number of developments that made us invest some time in this project again after it had been on the back burner for a while. These were our necessary building blocks to make Review Apps a pragmatic reality.

Databases & media files

The first major hurdle we had to overcome was deciding where to get our databases from. While technically feasible, we didn't want to log into the production server every time we launched a Review App to retrieve a database dump. That would force us to store a private key that accessed our production server somewhere we didn't want to.

We decided that pushing a stripped down version of the production database at the quietest time of day from a store (usually our night) to an Amazon S3 instance would be the best way. We thought about pushing it to another service (DigitalOcean Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) but found that Amazon had the most granular IAM control to restrict access to the database dumps. We set up separate roles for pushing dumps to specific file locations and for retrieving the dumps from those specific file locations.

The same goes for media; we push a tared media file to an S3 bucket where the Review App deployment process can retrieve it.

We also purchased a top-level domain and set the nameservers to those of DigitalOcean. That way we can use the DigitalOcean API via doctl to automatically add and remove A records. We could move this to Google Cloud DNS in the future to eliminate the dependence on doctl.


When we started building this, we first used the DigitalOcean API to create droplets with a pre-configured image. While this worked well, we wanted to use Docker to have a resilient and easy-to-maintain image. We then decided to run the Docker image on the DigitalOcean droplets and deploy our Docker image on that droplet.

The problem with running a DO droplet with Docker and a Docker container running in the droplet is that you have to go through the droplet itself to get to the Docker container, or open non-standard secondary ports for each service. This proved to be both tricky and headache-inducing, because we had to mentally keep track of where we were in the process; were we executing a particular command on the runner (which is itself a Docker image on a pod in a node in a Kubernetes cluster on GCP), in the DigitalOcean droplet or in the Docker container running on that droplet? This is why we decided to run our Docker containers on Kubernetes, eliminating the intermediate droplet and reducing the mental complexity of the process.


Another requirement was to use a Docker image that looked as much like our production servers as possible. Fortunately (and not at all coincidentally), all of our customers run on Byte's Hypernode offering. This means that all of our production servers are initially set up and managed in exactly the same way. We started by building our Docker image based on equit/gitlab-ci-magento2 and went from there. Fortunately, Hypernode's Rick van de Loo created a Hypernode Docker image for local development and for CI/CD purposes; hypernode-docker. Hooray! We took this image and created our own Docker image to add/set a few things;

  • Removing the default Hypernode insecure key
  • Adding our own public keys for SSH
  • Disable password login for SSH
  • Enable base auth with a default user/pass (mainly to block bots from accidentally indexing test-engv's)
  • Allow Let's Encrypt challenges via base auth
  • Install gcloud to manage GCP
  • Install awscli to retrieve our database and media dumps
  • Install kubectl to orchestrate our k8s clusters
  • Install doctl to add DNS records to our test domain name
  • Install Deployer to deploy

We are pushing this Docker image to our internal Gitlab Container Registry. Although the Hypernode docker is specifically focused on Magento, we also use it as a base to build, test and deploy this site, which is built with the static site generator Jekyll (written in Ruby).


As of version 10.6, Gitlab offers native k8s integration. While this got us very excited at first, it appears to still be in its infancy. Gitlab makes it easy to create a cluster on GCP using the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). But this is a cluster that is always running and thus not suitable for our disposable environments.

The advantage is that it is now very easy to create this cluster and use it as a runner for your project. We used to run DigitalOcean droplets with Docker for this purpose, but we have done away with those in favor of Runners running on GCP via Gitlab's native k8s integration. Added bonus; we can run those runners at Google's europe-west4 location, which is the newly opened data center in Eemshaven, just 30km north of us!

Setting up review apps

This is what we strive for;

The main file we're using to set up Review Apps is .gitlab-ci.yml. We've already been using this to deploy our shops to our production and staging servers but we need to add a bunch of commands to deploy to our disposable environments.

Generally speaking, these are the steps that we need to take in our create-cluster-job-review job;

  1. Authenticate gcloud
  2. Create k8s cluster
  3. Create k8s namespace
  4. Create secret to access our Gitlab Container Registry
  5. Create new deployment with the Hypernode image
  6. Apply service to expose the deployment (web & ssh ports)
  7. Retrieve IP address of deployment
  8. Authenticate doctl
  9. Create A record in our domain (using doctl)

Then we deploy in our deploy-job-review job;

  1. Update review yaml file for Deployer
  2. Deploy!

We also add a stop-job-review job which runs when a merge request is merged;

  1. Authenticate doctl
  2. Remove A record from domain
  3. Authenticate glcoud
  4. Remove cluster (this will also remove the deployment and the service attached to it)

The reason why we have a create-cluster and a deploy job is so we can exit the create-cluster job when the cluster already exists. The deploy job subsequently deploys a new release on the same cluster.

In these jobs, we make use of a number of environment variables that are either set by Gitlab itself or by us manually. Here is the list of environment variables we use and what they do. If we have a Magento 1 and a Magento 2 project for a client, certain variables can be set at the group level.

| Variable                 | Description                                                                                                       | Can be set on group level?               |
| AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID        | Projects’ AWS credentials                                                                                         | No                                       |
| AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY    | Projects’ AWS credentials                                                                                         | No                                       |
| AWS_DEFAULT_REGION       |                                                                                                                   | Yes                                      |
| COMPOSER_AUTH            | gitlab-ci composer key                                                                                            | No                                       |
| DO_ACCESS_TOKEN          | Create access token per project at DigitalOcean                                                                   | Yes                                      |
| GCLOUD_MACHINE_TYPE      | See Google Cloud Machine Types                                                                                    | Yes                                      |
| GCLOUD_NUM_NODES         | 1 is fine for testing purposes                                                                                    | Yes                                      |
| GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID        | Find project ID in Gcloud console                                                                                 | Sometimes                                |
| GCLOUD_SA_JSON           | Create JSON file from IAM (Actions > Create key) and paste contents here                                       | Sometimes (dependent on GCLOUDPROJECTID) |
| GCLOUD_ZONE              | See Google Cloud Regions & Zones                                                                              | Yes                                      |
| REVIEW_BACKEND_FRONTNAME | Your admin URL                                                                                                    | Yes                                      |
| REVIEW_CRYPT_KEY         | Per-project cryptkey                                                                                              | No                                       |
| REVIEW_DB_HOST           | Your database host                                                                                                | Yes                                      |
| REVIEW_DB_NAME           | Your database name                                                                                                | Yes                                      |
| REVIEW_DB_USER           | Your database user                                                                                                | Yes                                      |
| REVIEW_DB_PASS           | Do not set manually; it is random generated per Hypernode container and will be fetched from Hypernode’s .my.cnf. | No                                       |
| REVIEW_DB_PREFIX         | Your database prefix                                                                                              | No                                       |
| SSH_PRIVATE_KEY          | Project-specific deployment-only SSH key                                                                          | Yes                                      |

Slack notification

Because we use stripped database dumps without personal information, the admin users are also stripped. In our Deployer recipe, we generate a random user/pass combination and save those values. We later on use the Slack recipe to pull those variables and pass them on to a shared channel with our client, who can then use the credentials to log in to the admin.

File templates

The following file templates are for Magento 2. Some paths and file templates would be a little bit different for Magento 1, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

MAINTAINER Peter Jaap Blaakmeer <>

# Add public key
ADD /tmp/
RUN cat /tmp/ > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN cat /tmp/ > /data/web/.ssh/authorized_keys
RUN rm -f /tmp/

# Disable password login
RUN sed -i 's/PasswordAuthentication\ yes/PasswordAuthentication\ no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Enable passwordless sudo for app user (see
RUN echo "app     ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

# Enable basic auth
RUN echo "user:encodedpassword" > /data/web/htpasswd
RUN sed -i 's/#auth_basic/auth_basic/g' /data/web/nginx/server.basicauth

# Allow Lets Encrypt challenges
RUN printf '\nlocation ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {\n\tauth_basic off;\n}\n' >> /data/web/nginx/server.basicauth
# Remove default *.hypernode.local certificate to avoid nginx errors when using LE
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/ssl

# Install gcloud
RUN export CLOUD_SDK_REPO="cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -c -s)" && \
    echo "deb $CLOUD_SDK_REPO main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \
    curl | apt-key add - && \
    apt-get update -y && apt-get install google-cloud-sdk -y

# Install awscli
RUN apt-get install -y libpython-dev python-dev libyaml-dev python-pip
RUN pip install awscli --upgrade --user
RUN echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

# Install kubectl
RUN curl -LO
RUN echo "dbe431b2684f8ff4188335b3b3cea185d5a9ec44 kubectl" > checksum.txt && sha1sum -c checksum.txt
RUN chmod +x ./kubectl && mv ./kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl

# Install doctl - use version 1.8.0, newer version has bugs
RUN curl -sL | tar -xzv
RUN mv doctl /usr/local/bin/doctl

# Install Deployer through composer globally - use version 6.0.5 for PHP 7.0
RUN composer global require deployer/deployer:6.0.5
RUN alias dep=/root/composer/vendor/bin/dep
image: <place your Docker container image url here>

  - 'which ssh-agent || ( apt-get update -y && apt-get install openssh-client -y )'
  - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
  - ssh-add <(echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY")
  - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
  - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  - '[[ -f /.dockerenv ]] && echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config'

  # Switch back to PHP 7.0 if needed
  #- sed -i 's/php7.1/php7.0/g' /etc/my_init.d/
  #- update-alternatives --set php $(which php7.0)
  #- bash /etc/my_init.d/

  # Set gcloud variables
  - export GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME=$(echo ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} | cut -c 1-40 | sed 's/-$//') # strip to 40 characters (max for cluster names) and remove dash if that is the last character

  - build
  - test
  - create-cluster
  - deploy


  stage: create-cluster
    - /^review-.*$/
    # Authenticate gcloud
    - echo $GCLOUD_SA_JSON >> google_sa.json
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file google_sa.json
    - export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=google_sa.json
    # Check if cluster is running
    - STATUS=$(gcloud beta container --project "${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}" clusters  list | grep ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME} | awk '{print$8}')
    - if [ "${STATUS}" = "RUNNING" ]; then exit 0; fi
    # Create Kubernetes cluster
    - gcloud beta container --project "${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}" clusters create "${GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME}"
            --zone "${GCLOUD_ZONE}"
            --username "admin"
            --cluster-version "1.8.10-gke.0"
            --machine-type "${GCLOUD_MACHINE_TYPE}"
            --image-type "COS"
            --disk-type "pd-standard"
            --disk-size "100"
            --scopes "","","","","","",""
            --num-nodes "${GCLOUD_NUM_NODES}"
            --enable-cloud-logging --enable-cloud-monitoring
            --network "default" --subnetwork "default"
            --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,KubernetesDashboard
    # Create namespace
    - kubectl create namespace gitlab-managed-apps
    # Create secret for Gitlab Container Registry
    - kubectl create secret docker-registry gitlab-container-registry --docker-server=$CI_REGISTRY --docker-username=$CI_REGISTRY_USER --docker-password=$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD --docker-email=$GITLAB_USER_EMAIL
    # Create new deployment with the Hypernode image
    - kubectl apply -f config/kubernetes/hypernode-deployment.yaml
    # Add label for deployment
    - kubectl label deployments hypernode-deployment app=${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} --overwrite
    # Wait for it to become available
    - sleep 60
    # Apply service to expose the image
    - kubectl expose deployment hypernode-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=hypernode-service
    # Wait for it to become available
    - sleep 60
    # Add label for service
    - kubectl label services hypernode-service app=${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} --overwrite
    # Get & save IP address
    - while [ "${IP_ADDRESS}" = "" ]; do IP_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get service hypernode-service | grep hypernode-service | awk '{print$4}'); done
    - echo "IP address found; ${IP_ADDRESS}"
    # Authenticate doctl
    - doctl auth init --access-token ${DO_ACCESS_TOKEN}
    # Create hostname entry in DigitalOcean Networking
    - doctl compute domain records create testdomain.tld --record-data ${IP_ADDRESS} --record-name ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} --record-type A
  stage: deploy
    - /^review-.*$/
    name: review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}
    url: https://${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.testdomain.tld
    on_stop: stop-job-review
    # Update review yaml file for Deployer
    - mv config/servers/template.yaml.example config/servers/review.yaml
    - sed -i s/HOST/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}.testdomain.tld/g config/servers/review.yaml
    - sed -i s/ENVIRONMENT/review/g config/servers/review.yaml
    - sed -i s/STAGE/review/g config/servers/review.yaml
    - sed -i s/PORT/22/g config/servers/review.yaml
    - sed -i s/DBNAME/magento/g config/servers/review.yaml
    # Deploy
    - /root/.composer/vendor/bin/dep deploy review -n -vvv

  stage: deploy
    - /^review-.*$/
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
    # Authenticate doctl
    - doctl auth init --access-token ${DO_ACCESS_TOKEN}
    # Remove A record from domain testdomain.tld
    - DNS_RECORD_ID=$(doctl compute domain records list testdomain.tld | grep ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} | awk '{print$1}')
    - doctl compute domain records delete testdomain.tld ${DNS_RECORD_ID} --force; true
    # Authenticate gcloud
    - echo $GCLOUD_SA_JSON >> google_sa.json
    - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file google_sa.json
    - export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=google_sa.json
    # Check if cluster is running
    - STATUS=$(gcloud beta container --project "${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID}" clusters  list | grep ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME} | awk '{print$8}')
    - if [ "${STATUS}" != "RUNNING" ]; then exit 0; fi
    # Remove cluster
    - gcloud beta container clusters delete ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER_NAME} --zone ${GCLOUD_ZONE} --project ${GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID} --async --quiet
  when: manual
    name: review/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}
    action: stop
return array (
   'backend' =>
       array (
           'frontName' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_BACKEND_FRONTNAME}}{% endraw %}',
   'crypt' =>
       array (
           'key' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_CRYPT_KEY}}{% endraw %}',
   'session' =>
       array (
           'save' => 'files',
   'db' =>
       array (
           'table_prefix' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_DB_PREFIX}}{% endraw %}',
           'connection' =>
               array (
                   'default' =>
                       array (
                           'host' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_DB_HOST}}{% endraw %}',
                           'dbname' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_DB_NAME}}{% endraw %}',
                           'username' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_DB_USER}}{% endraw %}',
                           'password' => '{% raw %}{{REVIEW_DB_PASS}}{% endraw %}',
                           'model' => 'mysql4',
                           'engine' => 'innodb',
                           'initStatements' => 'SET NAMES utf8;',
                           'active' => '1',
   'resource' =>
       array (
           'default_setup' =>
               array (
                   'connection' => 'default',
   'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN',
   'MAGE_MODE' => 'production',
   'cache_types' =>
       array (
           'config' => 1,
           'layout' => 1,
           'block_html' => 1,
           'collections' => 1,
           'reflection' => 1,
           'db_ddl' => 1,
           'eav' => 1,
           'customer_notification' => 1,
           'full_page' => 1,
           'config_integration' => 1,
           'config_integration_api' => 1,
           'translate' => 1,
           'config_webservice' => 1,
   'install' =>
       array (
           'date' => 'Tue, 1 Jan 2018 13:33:37 +0000',
Deployer recipes

task('authenticate:aws', function () {
    $awsCredentials = tempnam('/tmp', 'tmp');
    $awsConfig = tempnam('/tmp', 'tmp');

    file_put_contents($awsCredentials, "[default]\naws_secret_access_key = " . getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') ."\naws_access_key_id = " . getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'));
    file_put_contents($awsConfig, "[default]\nregion = " . getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'));

    run('mkdir -p ~/.aws');

    upload($awsConfig, '~/.aws/config');
    upload($awsCredentials, '~/.aws/credentials');


task('magento:create:env', function () {
    $stage = input()->getArgument('stage');
    if ($stage != 'review') {

    // Get REVIEW_DB_PASS from .my.cnf
    $reviewDbPass = run('cat /data/web/.my.cnf  | grep pass | awk \'{print$3}\'');

    $envFileContent = file_get_contents('config/env_template.php');

    $envVariables = [

    $defaults = [
        'REVIEW_BACKEND_FRONTNAME' => 'beheer',
        'REVIEW_DB_HOST'           => 'Please define me in Gitlab CI Secret Variables',
        'REVIEW_DB_NAME'           => 'Please define me in Gitlab CI Secret Variables',
        'REVIEW_DB_USER'           => 'Please define me in Gitlab CI Secret Variables',
        'REVIEW_CRYPT_KEY'         => 'Please define me in Gitlab CI Secret Variables',
        'REVIEW_DB_PASS'           => (string) $reviewDbPass,
        'REVIEW_DB_PREFIX'         => '',

    foreach ($envVariables as $envVariable) {
        $envFileContent = str_replace('{% raw %}{{' . $envVariable . '}}{% endraw %}', (empty(getenv($envVariable)) ? $defaults[$envVariable] : getenv($envVariable)), $envFileContent);

    $envFilename = 'env.php';
    file_put_contents($envFilename, $envFileContent);
    upload($envFilename, '{% raw %}{{release_path}}{% endraw %}/app/etc/env.php');

task('magento:create:admin-user', function () {
    $stage = input()->getArgument('stage');
    if ($stage != 'review') {

    function generateRandomString($length = 12, $abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", $digits = '0123456789')
        return substr(str_shuffle($abc), 0, ceil(($length / 2))) . substr(str_shuffle($digits), 0, ceil(($length / 2)));

    $user = generateRandomString();
    $pass = generateRandomString();
    $email = '';
    $firstname = 'Review';
    $lastname = 'Admin';

    run(sprintf('/usr/local/bin/magerun2 --root-dir={% raw %}{{release_path}}{% endraw %} admin:user:create --admin-user=%s --admin-password=%s --admin-email=%s --admin-firstname=%s --admin-lastname=%s', $user, $pass, $email, $firstname, $lastname));

    // We set these in variables so we can for example use the Slack recipe to pass these on
    set('review_admin_user', $user);
    set('review_admin_pass', $pass);

task('magento:create:public:symlink', function () {
    $stage = input()->getArgument('stage');
    if ($stage != 'review') {

    run('rm -rf public && ln -s /data/web/current/pub/ /data/web/public');

task('magento:request:ssl', function () {
    $stage = input()->getArgument('stage');
    if ($stage != 'review') {

    // We need to add the app user to the passwordless sudo list in our Docker image to be able to run nginx_config_reloader
    // See
    run('echo "' . get('host') . '" > /data/web/.dehydrated/domains.txt && dehydrated -c --create-dirs && hypernode-ssl-config-generator && /usr/bin/nginx_config_reloader');

task('magento:config:set', function () {
    $stage = input()->getArgument('stage');
    if ($stage != 'review') {

    $config = [
        'dev/debug/debug_logging' => 1,

    foreach ($config as $path => $value) {
        run(sprintf('mysql magento -e "UPDATE core_config_data SET value = \'%s\' WHERE path = \'%s\';"', $value, $path));

// Review hooks
before('magento:maintenance:enable', 'authenticate:aws');
before('magento:maintenance:enable', 'magento:create:env');
after('magento:maintenance:enable', 'import:database');
after('magento:maintenance:enable', 'import:media');
after('import:database', 'magento:create:admin-user');
after('deploy:symlink', 'magento:create:public:symlink');
after('deploy:symlink', 'magento:request:ssl');
before('magento:cache:flush', 'magento:config:set');


Using Review Apps has already proven to be a great productivity booster. Clients are able to review & test new features quicker than before we implemented Review Apps. There are some improvements to be done in the future, such as;

  • Automatically updating the Gitlab issue with the user/pass combination;
  • Automatically applying a QA label following some trigger to let the QA team know they can start testing it;
  • Anonymize database so we have near-production data available;
  • Seed the stripped database with specified testing data.

I hope you liked this blog. If you have any questions, hit me up on Twitter.

Ps. interested in a workshop to implement this for your company? Contact me.