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Streamline Magento development with CI/CD

Peter Jaap BlaakmeerOrange dotAug 28, 2023

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the competition requires not only a powerful platform, but also efficient development practices. This is where Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) come in. These practices have transformed software development by minimizing cost, improving reliability and facilitating collaboration. In the field of Magento development, CI/CD has proven to be a game-changer, enabling agencies to streamline their processes and deliver exceptional results. In this blog post, we explore the importance of CI/CD for Magento development and introduce a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize the way Magento agencies work.

Benefit 1: Saving costs

Traditional approaches to software development often involve long development cycles, manual testing and separate implementation phases. This not only consumes valuable time, but also leads to higher development costs. CI/CD for Magento offers a solution by automating the integration, testing and implementation processes. This means errors are detected earlier in the development cycle, reducing the need for costly bug fixes later. With automated testing and deployment, developers can focus on creating new features rather than troubleshooting, ultimately saving time and resources.

Benefit 2: Reliability and stability

In the world of e-commerce, downtime is not an option. CI/CD ensures a more stable and reliable development environment by automating testing procedures and enforcing a consistent deployment process. With zero downtime deployments, changes can be seamlessly integrated into the live environment without disrupting the customer experience. In addition, the push-only deployment approach eliminates the risk of code manipulation on production servers, improving security and stability.

Benefit 3: Efficient workflow

The integrated nature of CI/CD in Magento development promotes collaboration between developers, testers and operational teams. Changes are automatically tested in a controlled environment, reducing the chance of introducing bugs at the production site. This promotes a smoother workflow where problems are identified and resolved early, preventing bottlenecks and improving overall efficiency.

Introducing MageCICD: the ultimate Magento CI/CD solution

We are proud to introduce an advanced solution tailored specifically for Magento agencies looking to harness the power of CI/CD. Our solution is equipped with a range of features designed to enhance your development process:

Test steps in the pipeline:

  • End-to-end testing with Cypress: Provide comprehensive testing of the user experience of your Magento application.
  • Linting for JSON/XML/PHP: Maintain code quality and consistency.
  • Static testing: Use tools such as phpcs, phpmd, phpstan, phpcpd, pdepend and phpmetrics to detect problems early on.

Performance steps in the pipeline:

  • Lighthouse: Evaluate the performance and accessibility of your Magento website.
  • Sitespeed: Analyze site speed and optimize load times.
  • Smoke Tests: Perform basic tests to verify core functionality.

Security and debugging steps in the pipeline:

  • Security notifications: Stay up to date with security patches and notifications.
  • OWASP ZAP checklist: Ensuring compliance with security standards.
  • Sentry release: Create Sentry releases automatically for effective debugging.

Customized implementation:

  • Apply custom Varnish VCLs: Customize caching configurations to suit your needs.
  • Clear opcache after deployment: Prevent problems caused by outdated code in the opcache.
  • Support for semaio/Magento2-ConfigImportExport: Simplify configuration management.
  • Auto-upgrade Magento and Composer packages: Keep your platform and dependencies up-to-date.

Review environment and collaboration:

  • Deploy to separate review environments: Test changes in isolation before going live.
  • Custom hostname and domain: Mimics production environment for accurate testing.
  • Database import and administrator creation: Setting up realistic test environments.
  • Integration with GitLab and Slack: Streamline communication and issue tracking.
  • Easy login to running review environments via command line tools.

As e-commerce requirements continue to grow, Magento agencies must adopt efficient and robust development practices. Our comprehensive solution, tailored for Magento agencies, enables developers to effectively leverage these practices, resulting in faster, more stable and secure Magento deployments.

With an impressive array of features designed to address every aspect of the development process, this solution is poised to revolutionize the way Magento agencies work and help them deliver exceptional results in the ever-changing world of e-commerce.

If you are interested in using our CI/CD solution, please use the contact form on this site or at