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Extension: Cypress for Magento 2

Peter Jaap BlaakmeerOrange dot26 Mar 2022 tests for Magento 2 publicly available!!! 🥳

Testing Magento (especially after upgrades) is a lot of work. It is time consuming and there are many moving parts to keep track of.

After testing hundreds of Magento installations after their upgrades, we decided we could do better. Faster. Cheaper. gave us the tools we needed to create an automated functional test suite to automatically, repetitively and reliably test Magento 2 stores.

It features Hyvä and Luma tests for both desktop & mobile 🔥 We have identified 78 common scenarios to test and currently have 72% of these covered.

And after nearly 400 hours of work spread over months, we are very happy to announce the public availability of our open source Cypress test suite for Magento 2!

Click here to see the code on Github; elgentos/magento2-cypress-testing-suite